Our Story 我們的故事

Empowering YOU to feel beautiful and care for your mental health!

 Tijo is the brainchild of Hong Kong-born and bred sisters Tiffany and Jocelyn. The brand was born out of a mission to serve and empower people through turbulent times like now. We thought what could be more helpful than to create beautiful well-crafted minimalistic gemstone jewellery pieces that serve as reminders of empowering thoughts all the time! Noticing an increasing number of people suffering mentally around us due to the stressful environment, economy and different personal struggles, we decided to make mental health a key brand focus. Being born in an era of fast fashion, we also want to bring focus back to conscious living by offering quality jewellery pieces in limited quantity without the luxury mark up. We make sure every dollar you spend with us is worth it and goes to the right hands. Being a socially conscious brand, we also give back to the worldwide community with 5% of profits donated to a select charity bi-annually.

 一對於香港土生土長的姐妹Tiffany和Jocelyn 創辦了高端珠寶首飾品牌 - Tijo Jewellery。我們認為,比起純粹製作精美簡約的時尚珠寶首飾,對Tijo來說- 能透過配戴我們的首飾提醒人們並賦予思想力量有著更大的意義。 留意到我們周遭的人因生活壓力大及負面的環境,致使遭受精神困擾,我們決意以提倡心理健康作為品牌關注的重點。 生於快速時尚的時代,我們希望透過提供數量有限但質量得到保證的珠寶使人們的注意力重新回到有意識的生活中。 作為一個以社會福祉為依歸的品牌,我們每半年將5%的利潤捐贈給選定的慈善機構以回饋社會。 

What makes Tijo Jewellery different?
為什麼Tijo Jewellery與眾不同?

Empowering & Mental Health 心理健康

We care a lot about your mental health. We want our jewellery pieces and content to serve as daily reminders of empowering thoughts for you. 
我們非常關心您的心理健康。 我們希望Tijo的首飾及設計能夠喚醒每位客人的正能量,從而更積極地去面對每一天的挑戰。

Conscious Living 意識生活

We want to bring focus back to conscious living by offering quality jewellery pieces in limited quantity without extra luxury mark up.

Shop for a Cause 幫助有需要的人士

Being a socially conscious brand, we also give back to the worldwide community part of our profits donated to a select charity annually. 

Responsibly-sourced 負責任地採購 

We try to make sure all gemstones come from ethical sources. Our factories all comply with labour rights.
我們盡力確保所有寶石來自道德來源。 我們的合作工廠都遵守勞工權利。

More about the charity we are currently supporting: 有關我們目前支持的慈善機構的更多信息: 

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Associaction (New Life) is a HK-based NGO which strives to promote mental health to the public ,and provide wide range of services for people in recovery of mental illness and for their families. This charity aligns perfectly with our vision to help increase awareness about mental health and to break the stigma. We will also donate to other causes throughout the year, so stay tuned to our social media to find out more. Want to get involved? We welcome your suggestions on which NGO you think we should focus on next, just shoot us an email at tijoteam@tijojewellery.com.

新生精神康復會是一個香港的非牟利組織,致力於促進公眾的心理健康,並為精神病康復者及其家人提供廣泛的服務,讓康復者從新融入和全面參與社會。 這個慈善機構與我們不謀而合有著同樣的願景去提高大眾對心理健康的認識並打破其污名。我們還會在捐款給其他慈善機構,請關注我們的社交媒體以了解更多信息。 想參與其中嗎? 我們歡迎您發送電子郵件到tijoteam@tijojewellery.com,提議哪個非政府組織值得我們的注意。

Charities we have supported in the past: 過去支持的慈善機構:


ImpactHK uses a holistic approach in addressing the needs of the homeless by providing them with a connection to friends, society and a safe and comfortable home which we as a company really resonated with, especially during this pandemic and turbulent times. 


The Asia Foundation

 The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit international development organization committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia. As we are currently based in Asia, we would like to start improving lives near home, to begin with. This charity also aligns perfectly with our value to empower lives and spread positivity and love regardless of income disparity. We donated to the ”Book for Asia“ Programme to support them in providing kids in Asia with more opportunities to learn and grow through reading.

亞洲基金會是一個非牟利國際發展組織,致力於改善亞洲發展中地區的生活素質。 由於我們目前位於亞洲,所以想由家附近入手。 這個慈善機構也與我們的價值觀完美契合,傳播積極和愛予人們,不論貧富。 我們把款項捐了給亞洲基金會的”Book for Asia"項目,支持他們通過閱讀為亞洲的小孩子提供更多的學習機會。